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security systems


As a completely independent SME, we are not affiliated with any individual security systems manufacturer or supplier. In practice, this means that our experts are able to evaluate risks, specific site issues and listen to our customers to gain a detailed understanding of their business objectives, and then subsequently propose unique and cost-effective systems designs which are tailored to align with customer needs. 


However, we do recognise that for some customers, the capital expenditure required to install a completely new system, or to upgrade an older existing one, is prohibitive. With that in mind, we introduced TRIO, our subscription package. You can find out all about TRIO by visiting our dedicated TRIO website, please follow the link below, at the bottom of this page. 


If you would simply like some further information, please get in touch, we would be delighted to hear from you. 



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Our Subscription Package

The Senate Team have the combined expertise to design, install and maintain security systems and in addition, our National Operations Centre can provide professional monitoring services. 


Because we want to make life easier for our customers, we even offer a subscription package to make this an easy and cost-effective option for them. 

Find out all about TRIO at:



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