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National Operations Centre

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National Operations Centre

The threats and fluctuations in the threat landscape never sleep, so organisations need to make sure their security preparedness and compliance is in place to face threats and maintain the safety of their staff at all times. 


The Senate National Operations Centre is the hub for Senate's 24/7/365 security functions, using innovative technologies to monitor and track the wellbeing of client staff across the United Kingdom, providing night staff and lone workers with a single point of contact for their security-related needs and incident management.


The National Operations Centre is also the hub for our incident management services, monitoring and responding to incidents as and when they occur, as well as conducting in-depth horizon scanning to identify and conduct research into possible upcoming threats

Data Analysis Provision

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Lone Worker Monitoring

Incident Management

​Travel Security Advisories

Need more details? Contact us

We are here to assist. Contact us by phone or email.

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